NEPA Checklist |
A: 165. Complete NEPA analysis and documentation |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Summary of Activities |
B: 189. Coordinate restoration efforts with stakeholders |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Project Descriptions/Agreements |
C: 114. Identify and Select New Restoration Projects |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Design Completed for Lake Creek Enhancements |
D: 175. Produce Design for Stage-0 Channel Restoration in Lake Creek |
05/31/2022 |
Completed Road Inventory |
E: 115. Inventory/Assess Forest Roads and Culverts in Upper Lake Creek |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Completed Levee Modification Project |
F: 180. Modify Levee Breach at Hepton Lake (Tribal Owned Property) |
05/31/2022 |
Completed Windfall Creek Channel Construction |
G: 30. Construct Stage-0 Channel in Windfall Creek |
10/15/2021 |
09/03/2021 |
Windfall Creek Riparian Planting |
H: 47. Windfall Creek Riparian Planting |
05/31/2022 |
05/27/2022 |
Inspected and Repaired PLWW Structures |
I: 186. Maintain Established Beaver Dam Analogs in Benewah Creek |
10/31/2021 |
09/24/2021 |
Inspected and Repaired Structures |
J: 186. Maintain Beaver Dam Analogs Lake Creek |
09/30/2021 |
09/24/2021 |
Minimize Impacts of Non-Native Brook Trout in the Benewah Creek and Evans Creek Watersheds. |
K: 190. Minimize impacts from non-native brook trout in Benewah Creek and Evans Creek |
10/30/2021 |
09/24/2021 |
Removal of Non-Native Northern Pike from Lake Coeur d'Alene |
L: 190. Remove Northern Pike from Lake Coeur d'Alene |
05/28/2022 |
05/27/2022 |
Demographic Data Collected for Adult Adfluvial WCT at Migrant Traps |
M: 157. Trap Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Demographic Data Collected for Out-Migrating Juvenile WCT at Migrant Traps |
N: 157. Trap Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Marked Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
O: 158. Mark Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Marked Juvenile Adfluvial Cutthroat Trout |
P: 158. Mark Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Salmonids Captured During Stream Surveys in Subbasins of Target Watersheds |
Q: 157. Sample Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Upper Lake Creek Watershed |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Salmonids Captured During Stream Surveys of Benewah Creek. |
R: 157. Sample Salmonids in Stream Reaches of the Upper Benewah Creek Watershed |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Interrogation Data Collected from Stationary PIT-tag Antenna Arrays |
S: 157. Collect Data at Stationary PIT Antenna Arrays |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Demographic Metrics Generated for Adult Adfluvial WCT Sampled in Migrant Traps |
T: 162. Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Adult Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Demographic Metrics Generated for Adfluvial Juvenile WCT Sampled in Migrant Traps |
U: 162. Analyze Data Generated from Trapping of Adfluvial Juvenile Westslope Cutthroat Trout |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Examination of Spatial Distribution Patterns of Salmonid Abundance at the Subbasin and Watershed Scale |
V: 162. Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of Lake Creek Watershed |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Examination of Spatial Distribution Patterns of Salmonid Abundance at the Watershed Scale in Upper Benewah Creek. |
W: 162. Analyze Data Generated from Sampling Salmonids in Rearing Habitats of the Benewah Creek Watershed. |
02/28/2022 |
02/11/2022 |
Metrics Generated from Interrogation Data Logged at Stationary PIT Antenna Arrays |
X: 162. Analyze Data Logged at Stationary PIT Antenna Arrays |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Continuous Records of Water and Air Temperatures |
Y: 157. Measure Water and Air Temperatures |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Metrics and Indicators of Water Temperature in Benewah and Lake Creeks |
Z: 162. Analyze Data from Temperature Monitoring |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Summary of Education/Outreach Activities |
AA: 99. Provide Education and Outreach Opportunities |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |
Accrual Estimates/FY2021 SOW/Metrics Reports as Requested |
AD: 119. Manage and Administer Project |
05/31/2022 |
05/31/2022 |